Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today I want to talk about what shapes us as people, what influences the person we become and what impacts an entire generation. That's right, people, each generation can talk about a major influence and I'm pretty sure my generation got the best of it: DISNEY!
Who did not grow up watching Disney's? Who doesn't cry everytime they hear the Lion King or Tarzan soundtrack? Who doesn't know the clue lines to almost every Disney movie by heart?

My dad tells me that as soon as I learned to talk I started telling the Snowwhite story, all and by heart, to anyone who showed the faintest sign of wanting to hear it. And I admit it, I'm a Disney-addict and I've always been one. I've watched them all, I knew them all by heart and I haven't stopped watching and re-watching them even at my age now.
But the true influence that Disney had on me and my generation, I was only able to understand now.

Can you imagine the responsibility that Disney had, when creating movies that were supposed to teach us life lessons at the same time as be entertaining? Well, to me, they did everything they could and they did it marvelously. Disney movies are fun and hilarious, they're emotional (I cry every single time I see the Lion King and all the others) and they are of best quality. They have the best music you could possibly put together and still integrate great dialogues. You can watch it at any age and still learn something from it, at the same time as finding it a great movie. But most of all: It teaches us things we need when we face our everyday life and the everyday world.
I guess what you take with you from a movie or a book kind of depends on yourself and on what you interpret or see in it. For me, the lesson Disney taught me, was that there is a place for everyone in our world, as long as we're ourselves and don't let other people shape us into something we're not and we don't want to be.
Now, before I turn into a philosophist and tell you all about my life goals, I want to say two more things about Disney:

I'm sorry, but there is one thing I couldn't understand. Why the second and third movies? Why couldn't you just leave those incredible pieces alone instead of creating the following story and making a "Lion King 2", "Mulan 2" and even "Pocahontas 2". I will never comprehend what you were thinking, because I refused to watch most of the 2s and 3s of my favorite movies in fear that you would ruin them, which you most probably did (at least for me).
The second thing is a shout-out to all you Disney-Lovers. There is a new movie coming out quite soon, The Princess and The Frog, where the main character is a black character! This is another thing about Disney, they integrate everything (wait for it, in ten years we'll have our own Disney-gay-character) and everyone in their movies and they clear prejudices.
Having said that you should go watch the newest Disney movie reminds me that I haven't seen a Disney in a while and I'm off to my Disney collection to choose what I'll be watching tonight.

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