Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We are the world

This post is not a movie review and it has nothing to do with the bisexual part in me. It has to do with the human part in me and in everyone of you. It's about pain, it's about love, it's about being the world and being its children.

It's never too late to spread the word.
Tonight I first saw the video that all our good singers put together for Haiti, "We are the world", and I swear I had tears in my eyes. To see all these different, competitive people stand by each other, smile and sing their hearts out for those people that got hurt in Haiti made me think that maybe there is still some good in all of us. They put on an amazin performance, watch it on YouTube, or buy it even, because it's really worth it (and I bet your favorite singer is somewhere in there!)

I'm not devoting this post to Haiti, because if you haven't heard of it yet, you're of no use to Haiti (or to the world for that matter). But what I want everyone to know, is that these things happen more often than we realize it. And the places that are most vulnerable to catastrophes are usually those ones that can't help themselves.
"We are the world, we are the children."
If we don't lend a helping hand, who will? Who will pay attention and care for those who need help if not those of us in a position to do so? Why should we allow others to suffer when we can linder their pain? Why should we close our eyes when they need us?

I think Haiti was helped a lot by our international community, and it's something to be proud of. Let's keep this up, let's be active, let's be there when we're needed, let's be the world's children, united and together.

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