Sunday, February 28, 2010


Most people start their blogs with an introduction and tell you who they are. Well, I'm not most people and I don't like to do things just because they need to be done. So I won't tell you a lot about me. In fact, I'll only tell you one thing about me:
I'm bisexual.

Consider yourself lucky that I've told you that, because coming out for me was a very long (and still lasting) progress, so that I spent years in the most nauseating closet you could possibly imagine. You know how you think you can talk about these things with other people, but then you really can't? That's pretty much how I felt for a very long time. And maybe centuries ago people just suffered silently, but in our times, that just doesn't fly. When you have a problem without any apparent solution, the only way out is the internet. Yes, the internet. It gives you viruses, asks you for credit card numbers, shows you pictures you don't want to see, but most importantly it gives you information about anything. And when I finally realized that what I thought was me just being weird was actually the gay half of me that had been opressed for years coming out, and I didn't know who to turn to, I turned to the internet. And this is where you come in.

I'm writing for all the people who need somewhere to turn to, who need to see things that don't happen in their world but they wish they did, who wish o see worlds they want to be parts of. Because that's what you do when you're not sure what your life is supposed to look like, you look at other's life and choose your path. That person, in a similar situation as you, was me. And to look at other people's lives, I started watching LGBT movies and series from all over the world and with time understood myself and the world better. By now, I have a quite large collection of series and movies and I'm here to tell you which ones are worth watching, which ones influence your life and from which ones you can learn the most. I know the pain and confusion you're going through, believe me, I really do. But this helps.
If you're part of the already out and proud LGBT community, I'm not only happy for you, I envy you! So leave me comments on movies and series you watch and let me know what moves and influences you, and I will make sure to watch it, rate it and leave good sources and opinions about it for those who haven't seen it.

This is it for now.
I'm bilarious and this blog is about what influences and entertains our community.


  1. Hi! I just read your introduction and felt like I could have written exactly the same things about me :-D

    I adore Hospital Central and are very proud of the way the characters have been portrayed during the series (well, too many accidents for my taste). I'm Spanish and feel that my country has made some incredible things lately towards civil rights for the LGTB community.

    I will follow your blog. Congrats!


    ps/ Maybe you could have a look here:

  2. Future is bisex:

  3. Hi Luce,
    Thanks for following! Yes indeed, Spanish series have been making a lot of progress for us and I'm trying to catch up with everything as fast as I can (if you have any tips about TV series and movies, they're always welcome) because I truly think that they have some real good shows!!
